SS Rajamouli's most ambitious epic film Baahubali is smashing the cash registers with record collections. The film, after three years painstaking efforts by the passionate cast and crew members, released on 10th July to mixed reviews but there has been no looking back for the film as it continues its dream run even on the weekdays, where the numbers have been shockingly high compared to those of weekend's.
Here's some trivia in a nutshell about this India's biggest motion picture ever made:
1. The overall budget of Baahubali The Beginning and Baahubali The Conclusion tally upto 250 crores, making it the country's costliest film ever. The first part alone had cost the makers close to 150 crores.
2. The film's creative and production team did extensive pre-production for almost a year, a first ever feat for any Indian film.
3. Baahubali's Malayalam audio launch witnessed a Guinness Record breaking feat of world's largest film poster. Spreading to a humongous 50,000 square feet area, the poster broke the existing record by a huge margin.
4. The film which is high in Hollywood standard visual effects had more than 800 visual effects technicians at 17 VFX studios in the countries like China, Russia, Italy and India. The VFX team of Jurassic World had worked on Baahubali, which comprised of nearly 90% of VFX. Sources say that the VFX budget alone was close to 85 crores.
5. The waterfall sequence involving Prabhas and Tamannaah was shot for nearly 109 days at three different picturesque waterfalls in Kerala, Mahabaleswar.
6. The film's macho hunks, Prabhas and Rana, had put on massively extra weight as they underwent intensive physical training and strict diet regime of nearly 40 egg whites consuming close to 4000 calories per day.
7. Prabhas' got specially imported gym machinery for his workouts and the equipment alone had cost the makers close to 1.5 crores. The actor has been so committed towards the film that he is even reportedly postponed his marriage for the sake of Baahubali.
8. Baahubali is the only film to be featured on BBC's 100 years of Indian Cinema documentary, even before its release.
9. The Kiliki language invented by the film's writer cum lyricist Madhan Karky constitutes of 750 words with a set 40 grammar rules. Those who religiously watch the superhit English series Game Of Thrones will know Kiliki's inspiration from Dothraki language spoken in GOT. Kiliki has become so popular, that even normal people have started using a few words in colloquial terms.
10. In yet another first, Baahubali will have the country's first ever film museum, that showcases all the sets, weapons, artillery and costumes used in the film.