Gurubhai and Khooshi Thakkar from Perfect Women mgazine organised the event where they launched first look of Miss India 2015 beauty peagent and celebrated their son Chandresh 10th birthday at Juhu .Actor Kainat Arora and salma Aga khan two actors from two different generation revealed a first look of perfect Miss India 2015.
Neeraj Vora were the first to come for the even. Salma ji said it was pleasantsurprise to see our generation on the same platform today. Parikshet Sahni,Saawan Kumar,Salma Agha,Tinaa Ghai,Sasha Agha,Marisa Verma,Tanisha Singh,Ranjeet,Hamid Ali,Naved Jaffri and Brinda Parekh came to be part of this event. Along with the Film actors some TV actor had been seen in party Neha Bagga, Gaurav chaudhari and Sarvar Ahuja. S P More and Mr.Rao along with Gurubhai announced their maiden Hind film also which will go on floor very soon. Show had been hosted by a famous TV comedy actor Balraj Sayal.